West of Frances is a one-woman play written by Alannah Lewis, directed by Zoe Black and performed by Ella Blackburn. It previewed at the Etcetera Theatre in Camden Town before a two-week run at the 2019 Edinburgh Fringe. West of Frances is a darkly funny piece which tracks one woman’s saliva-fuelled odyssey to rectify the wrongs of history. It explores family, thwarted journeys, and whether doing the right thing is ever as right as intended. The production received 5 stars from EdFringeReview.com and 4 stars from LondonTheatre1.com.

BirthdA is a one-woman play written by Alannah Lewis, directed by Zoe Black and performed by Teuta Day. It premiered in 2019 at the Corpus Playroom. Comprising a series of short tragically-comical monologues told from the perspective of a young girl as she grows up, BirthdA provides a portrayal of the dilemmas of youth in equal parts familiar and bizarre. The show received excellent reviews from The Tab (4.5 stars), Varsity (4 stars) and The Cambridge Student (4 stars).

Oh, What a Lovely War! by Joan Littlewood and the Theatre Workshop was staged by Zoe Black at the ADC Theatre in 2018. Featuring costumes and make-up inspired by the suprematist art movement, this was an aesthetically ambitious production which was critically very well received. The show was given 5 stars by The Tab and 4.5 stars by Varsity

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde was staged in an outdoor production by Zoe Black in 2017. The late 19th-century play was transposed to the 1990s through the use of costume and live music. An article discussing the production’s concept can be found here.